API Documentation

Welcome to Axelarscan API documentation! This guide offers a detailed overview of public routes, providing insights into making API calls and outlining available parameter options.

Getting Started

The APIs offer access to a wide range of data on the Axelar network. Discover the four distinct API categories crafted to handle diverse data on the Axelar network: Axelarscan API, Validator API, Token Transfer API, and GMP API. Each category is implemented to deliver information aligned with its specific requirements.


Axelarscan API

Retrieve information about the Axelar network and the AXL token. Access details like Circular supply, Inflation, TVL, and more.

Validator API

Access metrics associated with validators on the Axelar network, including heartbeat, uptime, proposed blocks, and more.

Token Transfer API

Gain insights into Axelar's Cross-Chain Token Transfer, covering status updates and related statistics.


Obtain information related to Axelar's GMP calls, including status updates and gas estimation details.